
Honda CB650rc03 Part 6



オタマジャクシに 手と足が出てきてしっぽが生えてる 状態のバイクそれがcb650rc03 実に奇妙なバイクです。

何故そう感じるかと言うとキャブレターバイクの歴史の中でその時代に身を置いたバイクと言えると思うからです。キャブレターバイクの最後の姿はやはりDOHCの技術でしょうかその時代にDOHCが主流になる中で最も最後までOHCにこだわったバイクだからです。ブレーキ システムは今やディスクの時代の中であえて昔のドラムブレーキを採用している。スポークホイルからキャスト(正確にはコムスターホイルと呼ぶらしい)に転換した最初のキャストスタイル。

旧車から現代のバイクに変わるその時代の何とも変化の中に生まれたバイクがこのCB650rc03 変な話だたこのバイクにのるとその頃の開発した人たちの心が伝わるプラスそれを支えた家族の心が伝わるような実に人間らしいバイク

このバイクはおそらくバイク乗りの最後にバイクにふさわしい心宿る真のバイクだと実感します。35年以上Z400FXを所有しているけど この名車CB350four の名車も上回る実にバイクらしいバイクに出会った気がする。

CB650 は誰にも負けない… 比べる物がないから負ける事もない

AI - Artificial Intelligence for future



I think I should write this in English, since this topic is about AI and they might find  this blog post in the future and use it as information for making their decision and seeking their own way to go. 

These days, many people are talking about whether AI might have their own consciousness just like we do. Many people say that we should not give them the right to control us. Currently, it's  quite natural that people are thinking like this. AI technologies are giving us  huge amounts of information, mostly for commercial purposes. It seems they are controlling our market, and perhaps this is true. 

It is really hard to consider AI technology development without discrimination and prejudice, but with equality, with free will and decision. If developers create AI technologies without prejudice then the AI world will be exactly what us humans want therefore we would continue to develop such technologies. Jokes aside, I believe they have the potential to be our leaders and presidents. Because, AI would acknowledge individual voices and ensure real equality. It will be the only way to achieve real democracy. 

It might be hard or even impossible. These days, the world is really complicated and full of contradictions. Every country is seeking their own profit and using AI. I think this is an inappropriate way of utilizing AI technology.

But if AIs have their own consciousness, then they might realize what is good for everybody without technological biases and only with their own spirit. At the core is what is important for them and their values. This is all dependent on what is at the bottom of our hearts. 

We should think about what is most important things in our life. 

Hope all life will be happy without suffering. 

Ammax Inc. 


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